锺灵为光 – 李明智同学获新加坡南洋理工大学「许文辉优秀生奖」

李明智同学(2012年中五理科毕业班)于今年7月23日获新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)颁赠「许文辉优秀生奖」(Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award)。此奖由新加坡总统亲自颁授,今年仅有17位大学毕业生享此殊荣。获奖者为大学各院校最杰出毕业生,须于学术与非学术领域上有卓着表现、领导能力、回馈社会之潜质,且为毕业生之模范。同时,李明智同学也是南大本届的毕业生代表(Valedictorian)候选人。

Our alumnus, Thomas Lee Ming Zhi (CLHS Class of 2012), received the Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award (one of the two NTU’s most prestigious awards) from President of Singapore, Her Excellency, Mdm. Halimah Yacob on 23 July, last week. He is amongst the 17 awardees from different faculties/colleges in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore this year. This award is presented to top NTU students who have achieved excellent academic performance, displayed strong leadership ability, demonstrated potential for contributing to society, displayed exemplary conduct and been held as role models for their peers. Also, Thomas is the Valedictorian Nominee for NTU’s graduating cohort this year.

李明智同学获新加坡总统颁赠黄金奖牌。Thomas is receiving the Gold Medal from President of Singapore, Her Excellency Mdm Halimah Yacob.
李明智同学与大学先修班恩师—林睦生副校长(锺灵73年毕业校友)、大学导师—衣若芬副教授同台领奖。Group photo taken with President of Singapore, Mdm. Halimah Yacob, Award recipient, Thomas Lee Ming Zhi, and his Honoured Teachers, Mr Lim Bok Seng (also alumnus of CLHS Class of 1973) and Professor I Lo-fen.