锺灵中学 (新 加 坡) 校友会2024年特别会员大会通知




  1. 特此通知,锺灵中学新加坡校友会(以下简称“协会”)将于

日期:2024年11月9日 (星期六), 

时间:下午 2点 到 4点 (以下简称“特别会员大会预定时间和日期”),

地点:211A, Lavender Street, Singapore 338769 (以下简称“会所”或“物业”) 


2. 本次特别会员大会的议程为审议并表决通过以下决议:

(a) 批准现任物业受托人 Ong Kang Tee@Ong Geok Seng, Loh Hoon Sun, Loh Soo Eng (统称“原受托人”) 的退休,并认可和批准已故受托人Chai Chong Yi (已故) 之自动退休;

(b) 批准协会签署以下文件:

(i) 与原受托人签署一份确认信托契约,确认原受托人曾并继续代表协会及其成员持有该物业的信托 (“确认信托契约”);以及

(ii) 与已故受托人的遗产执行人或管理人 (如适用) 签署一份契约,确认已故受托人的遗产对该物业不享有任何权利;

(c) 批准原受托人及已故受托人的遗产执行人或管理人 (如适用) 申请更换产权契约;

(d) 批准新任物业受托人的任命,即Tan Fung Pong, Tan Loo Shing, Loh Chan Wai, Neoh Seong Pek (统称“新受托人”),并批准;

(i)   原受托人、协会和新受托人共同签署一份受托人退休及更替契约;以及

(ii)  将物业的法定产权转让给新受托人;

(e) 授权会长或任何协会副会长、委员会授权的任何人,或在授权的情况下由会长代表提交给新加坡土地管理局或其他相关机构的任何文件或文书,由 BR Law Corporation 代表协会执行:

(i) 批准、最终确定、签署并确认任何与第(a)至(d)段所述步骤相关的文件或文书(“步骤”);以及

(ii) 为执行上述步骤或为达成上述步骤目的而采取任何必要、适当或便捷的行动,且此前或将来由会长、任何协会副会长或委员会授权的任何人采取的必要行动(包括任何文件或文书以契约形式签署、盖章和执行)均予以批准、确认;

(f) 批准使用最多S$15,000以支付与第(a)至(d)段所述事项相关的费用,并按期支付相关费用,包括但不限于:

(i) 支付给 BR Law Corporation 的法律费用S$10,500(不含消费税和代垫款);以及

(ii) 会长和财政认为适当的其他费用和开支(包括广告费用(如需)、公证员或宣誓专员的费用、提交费用、印花税和消费税)。

3. 若特别会员大会预定时间和日期时未达到法定人数(即至少为协会正式会员总数的1/5),大会将延期至下一周同一时间在同一地点召开,并在会所举行延期特别会员大会。若延期特别会员大会的出席人数仍不足以构成法定人数,则根据章程第12条,出席延期特别会员大会的成员人数将构成法定人数

4. 本通知的副本已于本通知日期张贴于校友会的网站和WhatsApp的公告栏。



Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

Date: 23rd October 2024

To: All Members of the Chung Ling High School Alumni (Singapore) Association (the “Association”)

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

1.    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”) of the Chung Ling High School Alumni (Singapore) Association (the “Association”), is to be held at 2pm to 4pm on 9th November 2024 (“Scheduled EGM Time and Date”), at 211A, Lavender Street, Singapore 338769 (the “clubhouse” or the “Property”). 

2.    The agenda for the EGM shall be to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following Resolutions:


(a)   the retirement of the current trustees of the Property, being Ong Kang Tee @ Ong Geok Seng, Loh Hoon Sun, and Loh Soo Eng (together, the “Original Trustees”), be approved, and the automatic retirement of the deceased trustee of the Property, being Chai Chong Yii (who has passed away) (the “Deceased Trustee”), be recognised and approved;

(b)   the execution by the Association of:

(i) a confirmatory trust deed with the Original Trustees confirming that the Original Trustees held and continue to hold the Property on trust for the Association and its members (“Confirmatory Trust Deed”); and

(ii) a deed with the executor(s) or administrator(s) (as applicable) of the estate of the Deceased Trustee confirming that the estate of the Deceased Trustee has no claims over the Property,

be approved; 

(c)  the application by the Original Trustees and executor(s) or administrator(s) (as applicable) of the estate of the Deceased Trustee for the replacement title deed be approved;

(d)   the appointment of new trustees of the Property, being Tan Fung Pong, Tan Loo Shing, Loh Chan Wai, and Neoh Seong Pek (together, the “New Trustees”), be approved, and the:

(i) execution by the Original Trustees, the Association, and the New Trustees of a deed of retirement and replacement of trustees be approved; and

(ii) transferring of legal title in the Property to the New Trustees be approved;

(e) authority be granted to the President or any Association Vice President, any person authorised by the Committee, or where so authorised by the President in respect of any documents or instruments to be submitted to the Singapore Land Authority or other relevant authorities, BR Law Corporation, to act for and behalf of the Association:  

(i) to approve, finalise, execute and ratify any documents or instruments incidental or related to the steps contemplated at paragraphs (a) to (d) above (the “Steps”); and

(ii) to take such acts as may be necessary, desirable or expedient in connection with the foregoing or for the purposes of giving effect to the Steps, and such acts as may have previously been or will be taken by the President, any Association Vice President, or any person authorised by the Committee as are necessary to give effect to the Steps (including for any document or instrument to be signed, sealed, and executed as a deed) be approved, confirmed and ratified; and

(f) approval be given for the sum of up to S$15,000 to be used for the payment of expenses related to the matters contemplated at paragraphs (a) to (d) above, and for such expenses to be paid as they fall due, including but not limited to:

(i) legal fees of S$10,500 (exclusive of GST and disbursements) to be paid to BR Law Corporation; and

(ii) any other costs and expenses that the President and the Honorary Treasurer consider appropriate (including advertising costs if required, Notary Public or Commissioner for Oath’s fees, filing fees, stamp duty, and GST).

3. In the event that a quorum (being at least 1/5th of the total ordinary membership of the Association) is not present at the Scheduled EGM Time and Date, the EGM shall be adjourned to the same time on the same day the following week, and the adjourned EGM will be held at the clubhouse.  In the event that the number of members present at the adjourned EGM is insufficient to form a quorum, those present at the adjourned EGM shall constitute a quorum, as contemplated by Regulation 12 of the Constitution.

4.  A copy of this notice has been pasted on the Chung Ling High School Alumni (Singapore) Association notice board located in the clubhouse on the date of this notice, Official Website and WhatsApp bulletin.


Chung Ling High School Alumni (Singapore) Association